
This manuscript presents a comprehensive review of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs). A SLR is a rigorous and organised methodology that assesses and integrates prior research on a given topic. Numerous tools have been developed to assist and partially automate the SLR process. The increasing role of AI in this field shows great potential in providing more effective support for researchers, moving towards the semi-automatic creation of literature reviews. Our study focuses on how AI techniques are applied in the semi-automation of SLRs, specifically in the screening and extraction phases. We examine 21 leading SLR tools using a framework that combines 23 traditional features with 11 AI features. We also analyse 11 recent tools that leverage large language models for searching the literature and assisting academic writing. Finally, the paper discusses current trends in the field, outlines key research challenges, and suggests directions for future research. We highlight three primary research challenges: integrating advanced AI solutions, such as large language models and knowledge graphs, improving usability, and developing a standardised evaluation framework. We also propose best practices to ensure more robust evaluations in terms of performance, usability, and transparency. Overall, this review offers a detailed overview of AI-enhanced SLR tools for researchers and practitioners, providing a foundation for the development of next-generation AI solutions in this field.


In this page, we report the tables we have developed when conducting our analysis on the Systematic Literature Review Tools.


  1. Systematic Literature Review Tools analysed through AI and Generic Features
    1. Screening Phase of Systematic Literature Review Tools analysed through AI Features
    2. Extraction Phase of Systematic Literature Review Tools analysed through AI Features
    3. Systematic Literature Review Tools analysed based on AI Features
  2. Figures of the paper
  3. PRISMA Checklist
  4. Codebase Snowballing
  5. How to cite
  6. License

Systematic Literature Review Tools analysed through AI and Generic Features

In this section, we report three tables that describe the 21 systematic literature review tools examined according to both generic and AI-based features. In Section 1.1 and Section 1.2, we present the analysis of the AI features for the screening and the extraction phases, respectively. In Section 1.3, we report the analysis of the tools according to the generic features. A copy of these tables is persistently available on ORKG.

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Screening Phase of Systematic Literature Review Tools analysed through AI Features

Tool Research Field SLR Task Human Interaction Approach Text Representation Input Output Minimum Requirement Model Execution Pre-screening Support Post-Screening Support
Abstrackr Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on SMV applying constrained weightspace. Bag of words. Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability. - Synchronous: the model updates in the background as soon as a new paper is added. Keywords search: It searches by keywords that could be color by level of relevance. NO
ASReview Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on Naive Bayes(default), SMV , logistic regression, RandoM Forest or Simple NN. Bag of words.
Embeddings: SentenceBERT, doc2vec.
Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (likelihood of relevance from 0 to 1). For values greater than 0.5 the papers are marked as relevant. Relevant papers: 1.
Irrelevant papers: 1.
Synchronous Keywords search: Basic search trough keywords NO
Colandr Any Task 1: Classification of relevant papers.
Task 2: Identification of the category attributed to the paper by the user.
Task 1: Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant.
Task 2: The user has to assigned categories (tags) to the papers.
Task 1: Similarity-based method: Identifies co-occurrences of words around the keywords selected by the user (Active Learning).
Task 2: NER for Locations (Active Learning). ML classifier for other tags based on logistic regression (Active Learning).
Task 1: Embeddings: Word2vec.
Task 2: Embeddings: Glove
Task 1: Title & Abstract
Task 2: Full content
Task 1: Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (relevance).
Task 2: Listing of sentences that best predicts the label (High, Medium, Low).
Task 1: 10 relevant papers and 10 irrelevant papers.
Task 2: Minimum 50 papers.
Synchronous for both tasks Keywords search: It searches by keywords that could be color by level of relevance. NO
Covidence Any Task 1: Classification of relevant papers.
Task 2: Identification of biomedical studies (RCTs).
Task 1: Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant.
Task 2: No user interaction.
Task 1: ML classifier (Active Learning) based on two ensembles SVM.
Task 2: ML classifier (Superivised Learning) bassed on SVM (RCT classifier).
Bag of words for both tasks: ngrams. Task 1: Title & Abstract
Task 2: Title & Abstract
Task 1: Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (relevancy prediction).
Task 2: Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (from 0 to 1). For values greater than 0.24 the papers are marked as Possible RCT.
Task 1: 2 relevant papers and 2 irrelevant papers.
Task 2: Not Applicable.
- Keywords search: Basic search trough keywords NO
DistillerSR Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifiers (Active Learning) based on SVM or Naive Bayes. Bag of words. Title & Abstract Naive Bayes: Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (prediction score from 0 to 1). For values greater or equal than 0.5 the papers are likely to marked as relevant.
SVM: Pre classification of papers based on binary classification (from 0 to 1 and then define Include, Exclude, or Cannot Decide).
Relevant papers: 10.
Irrelevant papers: 40.
- Keywords search: Basic search trough keywords None
EPPI-Reviewer Any Task 1: Classification of relevant papers.
Task 2: Identification of biomedical studies (RCTs, Systematic Reviews, Economic Evaluations, COVID-19 categories, long COVID).
Task 1: Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant.
Task 2: No user interaction.
Task 1: ML classifier (Active Learning) based on SVM.
Task 2: ML classifier (Superivised Learning) based on SVM for Cochrane RCT. For Origina RCT, Systematic Review, Economic Evaluations, COVID-19 categories, and Identify Long COVID the information is not available.
Task 1: Bag of words (ngrams).
Task 2: The Cochrane RCT classifer uses bag of words. For the other approaches the information is not available.
Task 1: Title & Abstract
Task 2: Title & Abstract
Task 1: Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (probability score from 0 to 100).
Task 2: Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (from 0 to 1). For values greater than 0.24 the papers are marked as Possible RCT.
Task 1: 5 relevant papers. Number of irrelevant papers not available.
Task 2: Not Applicable
Synchronous for both tasks Keywords search: It searches by keywords that could be highlighted;
Tags: It searches by terms or tags assigned after reading the paper.
FAST2 Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on SVM. Bag of words. Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (decision score from 0 to 1). - Synchronous NO NO
Iris.ai Any Clustering of Abstracts Task 1: Exploratory search: When the researcher is novice or exploring a new field.
1.1 Provide a seed idea (300-500 words) or a title or abstract of a paper.
1.2 Select the relevant papers from the visual map manually or using the search filter. In the latter they can narrow down the results based on topics or concepts using the analyze tool.

Task 2: Advanced search: When the researcher has expertise on the topic.
2.1 Dataset selection (online database or their own records).
2.2 Clustering of results with the search filter option which will allow him to apply the analyze tool and/or the context filter.
2.3 Selection of the relavant papers.
2.4 Repeat steps 2.2 and 2.3 until they considers appropriate to stop.
Similarity-based method: Matches the fingerprint of the text or abstract with the fingerprints of the papers of the databases CORE, PubMed, US Patent or CORDIS (Unsupervised Learning).
The fingerprint is a vector representation of the most meaningful words and their synonyms of the text or abstract.
Embeddings. Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (relevance score from 0 to 1 with threshold being 0.4 and 0.9). Not Applicable Synchronous Keywords search: Basic search trough keywords;
Topic Groups: from a global topic (what topics do these articles fall within from an overall scientific level) as well as a specific topic (within this reading list, what topics do the articles fall within) based on visual maps.
Abstractive summarisation based on the selected papers.
LitSuggest Biomedicine Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on logistic regression. Bag of words. Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (relevance prediction from 0 to 1). - Synchronous NO NO
Nested Knowledge Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) which is unkown. - Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (inclusion prediction). - - Keywords search: Basic search trough keywords;
PICO identification: Highlights the parts of a PICO question in the abstract;
Ontology based on the user classification.
PICOPortal Any Task 1: Classification of relevant papers.
Task 2: Identification of biomedical studies (RCTs).
Task 1: Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant.
Task 2: No user interaction.
Task 1: ML classifier (Active Learning) based on SVM.
Task 2: ML classifier (Superivised Learning) based voting system implementing decision tree or deep learning.
Embeddings for task 2: BioBERT.
No information regardin Task 1.
Task 1: Title & Abstract
Task 2: Title & Abstract
Task 1: Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability.
Task 2: Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (from 0 to 1).
- Synchronous for both tasks PICO identification: Highlights the parts of a PICO question in the abstract. NO
pitts.ai Biomedicine Identification of biomedical studies (RCTs). No user interaction. ML classifier (Superivised Learning) based on SVM. Embeddings: SciBERT Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (prediction probability from 0 to 1). Not Applicable Synchronous NO NO
Rayyan Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on SVM. Bag of words: ngrams Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (score probability).
The score is based on a 5 star scheme, higher score identifies the relevant papers.
Relevant papers: 5.
Irrelevant papers: 5.
Synchronous Keywords search: It searches by keywords that could be highlighted;
Other searches: It searches by author or publication year;
Boolean Operator: It searches by the combination of boolean operators(AND, OR, NOT) with keywords.
PICO identification: Highlights the parts of a PICO question in the abstract.
Location facet: Extracts the study locations (highly applicable in biomedical studies).
Topics: Extracts topics enriching them with MeSH terms.
Biomedical keywords: Prepopulates a set of keywords and phrases (highly applicable in RCT).
Research Screener Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on unkown algorithm. Embeddings: paragraph embedding Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (inclusion probability). Relevant papers: 1.
Irrelevant papers: Information not available.
Synchronous NO NO
RobotAnalyst Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on SVM. Bag of words. Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (inclusion confidence from 0 to 1). - Synchronous Topic modelling: It assigned a topic to a paper based on the most recurrent terms which could be shared by other papers;
Clustering: groups paper on the most common terms;
Keywords/Term search: searches by keywords or terms(noun phrases);
Other criterias: Document id, Publication Year, Author, Type of Publication, Journal, Notes, Time of screening decision, retrieval method;
RobotReviewer/RobotSearch Biomedicine Identification of biomedical studies (RCTs). No user interaction. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on SVM. Embeddings: SciBERT Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (prediction probability from 0 to 1). Relevant papers: NA.
Irrelevant papers: NA.
- PICO model: It colours the different PICO elements. NO
SWIFT-Active Screener Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on log-linear. Bag of words. Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (inclusion rate from 0 to 1). Relevant papers: 1.
Irrelevant papers:1.
Asynchronous: The model updates every 30 papers. There must be a gap of 2 minutes between the last model built and the current model built. Keywords search: Basic search trough keywords NO
SWIFT-Review Biomedicine Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on log-linear. Bag of words. Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (priority ranking from 0 to 1). Relevant papers: 1.
Irrelevant papers:1.
Synchronous Keywords search: Basic search trough keywords.
Topic modelling: It assigned a topic to a paper based on the most recurrent terms which could be shared by other papers; Keywor search: searches by keywords or tags;
SysRev.com Any Classification of relevant papers. Ranking papers as relevant and irrelevant. ML classifier (Active Learning) based on a customized architecture similar to cross attention. - Title & Abstract Pre classification of papers based on inclusion probability (prediction probability). Relevant papers: 30.
Irrelevant papers: 30.
Asynchronous: The model updates nightly. NO NO

-: No information available

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Extraction phase of Systematic Literature Review Tools analysed through AI Features

Tool Research Field SLR Task Approach Text Representation Input Output
RobotReviewer/RobotSearch Biomedical Identifies risks of bias: how reliable are the results? ML classifier, combining a lineal model and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model.
These models are trained on a dataset containing manually annotated sentences stating the level of bias.
Bag of word: ngrams.
Embeddings: embedding layer from CNN Model.
Full-text paper. Risk of bias classification (as Low, High, Unclear)
ExaCT Biomedical NER of Randomised Controlled Trials Task 1: ML classifier based on SVM to identify sentences regarding a control trial.
Task 2: Rule base detection to identify the 21 CONSORT categories.
Bag of words: ngrams. Full-text paper. Possible RCT entities
Dextr Environmental Health Science Task 1: NER of animal studies.
Task 2: Entity linking of animal studies.
Task 1: ML Classifier implementing a neural network model based on bidirectional LSTM with a Conditional Random Field (BI-LSTM-CRF) architecture.
Task 2: Linking according to a customised ontology
Task 1: Embeddings: GloVe, ELMo.
Task 2: Not Applicable.
Title and Abstracts Task 1: Possible animal entities.
Task 2: Relationships of animal models and exposures vs experimentas ot endpoints vs experiments.
Iris.ai Any Task 1: NER of entities selected by the user.
Task 2: Entity linking of the identified entities.
Task 1: ML classifier. Algorithim is unknown.
Task 2: Uses a knowledge graph to represent the relations of within the entities on the paper or between the entities of the table. The technical implementation is unknown.
Task 1: Embeddings: word embedding.
Task 2: Not Applicable.
Full-text paper. Task 1: Possible entities based on a confidence interval.
Task 2: Additional semantics on the extracted entities.
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Systematic Literature Review Tools analysed based on General Features

Tool Multiplatform Multiple user roles Multiple user support Project auditing Project progress Authentication Status of software Automated full-text retrieval Automated search Snowballing Manual reference importing Manually attaching full-text Reference importing Deduplication Discrepancy resolving In-/excluding references Reference labelling & comments Screening phases Exporting results Flow diagram creation Protocol Living/updatable Free to use SLR stage
Abstrackr Yes Single 2 Yes Limited Basic Stable release No None No Yes No PMID; csv; xml No Yes No Yes Title & Abstract csv; xml No No No Yes Screening
Colandr Yes Single 2 No Limited Basic Stable release No None No No No txt; ris; bib No Yes Yes Yes Title & Abstract csv No Yes No Yes Screening
DistillerSR Yes Multiple >1 Yes Limited Basic Stable release Yes PubMed No Yes Yes csv; enlx; ris; zip; zip(japic) Yes Yes Yes Yes Title & Abstract + Full Content - Yes No No No Screening
EPPI-Reviewer Yes Multiple >1 Yes Detailed Basic Stable release No PubMed No Yes Yes ris; PMID; ciw; Yes Yes Yes Yes Title & Abstract + Full Content The screened papers go to the next stage which is information   extraction No No No No Screening
LitSuggest Yes Single No No Limited Basic Stable release No PubMed No No No PMID No No No No Title & Abstract tsv No No Yes Yes Screening
Nested Knowledge Yes Multiple >1 Yes Detailed Basic Stable release Yes PubMed; Europe PMC; DOAJ; ClinicalTrials.gov No No Yes nBIB; ris Yes Yes Yes Yes Title & Abstract csv; ris Yes Yes No No Screening
Rayyan Yes Multiple >1 Yes Detailed Basic Stable release No None No Yes Yes enw; xml; nbib; ciw; ris; bib; cvs Yes Yes Yes Yes Title & Abstract + Full Content ris; bib; enw; csv Yes No No Yes Screening
RobotAnalyst Yes Single No No Limited Basic Stable release No PubMed No Yes No txt; nbib; ris No No Yes No Title & Abstract ris No No No Yes Screening
SWIFT-Active Screener Yes Multiple >1 Yes Detailed Basic Stable release No None No No Yes PMID; xml; ris Yes Yes Yes Yes Title & Abstract + Full Content csv; json No Yes No No Screening
SWIFT-Review Yes Single No No No Basic Stable release No None No No No PMID; xml No No No No Title & Abstract txt No No No Yes Screening
FAST2 Yes Single No No No None Stable release No None No No No - No No No No Title & Abstract No export available No No No Yes Screening
ASReview Yes Single >1 No Detailed None Stable release No None No No No ris; csv, xlsx; No No Yes No Title & Abstract csv; tsv; ris No No No Yes Screening
Research Screener Yes Multiple >1 No Limited Basic Stable release No None No No No xml Yes Yes Yes No Title & Abstract xml No No No Yes Screening
pitts.ai Yes Multiple >1 No Limited Basic Stable release No PubMed No No No ris No Yes Yes No Title & Abstract No export available No No No No Screening
SysRev.com Yes Multiple >1 Yes Limited Basic Stable release No PubMed No No Yes pmid; ris; enlx; json No Yes Yes Yes Title & Abstract xml; csv No No No No Screening
Covidence Yes Multiple >1 No Limited Basic Stable release No None No No Yes xml; crs; ris Yes Yes Yes Yes Title & Abstract + Full Content csv; ris Yes No No No Screening
RobotReviewer /RobotSearch Yes Single No No No None Stable release No None No No No pdf No No No No Title & Abstract No export available No No No Yes Screening + Extraction
Iris.ai Yes Single No Yes No Basic Stable release No CORE; PubMed; US Patent Office; CORDIS No No No bibtex No No No No Title & Abstract - No No No No Screening + Extraction
PICO Portal Yes Multiple >1 Yes Detailed Basic Stable release Yes None No No Yes csv; bibtex; ris; enw; xml; xls; txt; ciw Yes Yes Yes Yes Title & Abstract - No Yes No Yes Screening
Dextr Yes Single No No No Basic Stable release NA None NA NA NA ris, pdf NA No NA NA Not applicable csv; zip NA NA NA Yes Extraction
ExaCT Yes Single No No No Basic Stable release NA None NA NA NA xml NA No NA NA Not applicable No export available NA NA NA Yes Extraction

-: No information available
NA: Not applicable because the tools are specifically for extraction

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Figures of the paper

In this section we attach all the figures of the mauscript in high defininition (300DPI).

alternative text

PRISMA Diagram of our SLR about AI-enhanced SLR Tools.

alternative text

ASReview. Examples of interfaces for paper classification.

alternative text

RobotAnalyst. Examples of interfaces for paper classification.

alternative text

Examples of the tagging process of Colandr. This figure is courtesy of Colandr tutorial.

alternative text

RobotAnalyst: Topic Modelling. Examples of interactive interfaces for pre-screening.

alternative text

SWIFT-Review: Topic Modelling. Examples of interactive interfaces for pre-screening.

alternative text

Iris.ai: Specific Topics. Examples of interactive interfaces for pre-screening.

alternative text

Nested Knowledge: Hierarchical Ontology. Examples of interactive interface for the post-screening.

alternative text

Nested Knowledge: Qualitative Synthesis. Examples of interactive interface for the post-screening.
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PRISMA Checklist

In the following table we report our PRISMA checklist, using the model from "Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ 2021;372:n71. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n71".

Section and Topic     
Item #    
Checklist item     
Location where item is reported     
Identify   the report as a systematic review.   
See   the PRISMA 2020 for Abstracts checklist.   
Describe   the rationale for the review in the context of existing knowledge.   
Provide   an explicit statement of the objective(s) or question(s) the review   addresses.   
Eligibility   criteria    
Specify   the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the review and how studies were   grouped for the syntheses.   
Information   sources    
Specify   all databases, registers, websites, organisations, reference lists and other   sources searched or consulted to identify studies. Specify the date when each   source was last searched or consulted.   
Search   strategy   
Present   the full search strategies for all databases, registers and websites,   including any filters and limits used.   
Selection   process   
Specify   the methods used to decide whether a study met the inclusion criteria of the   review, including how many reviewers screened each record and each report   retrieved, whether they worked independently, and if applicable, details of   automation tools used in the process.   
Data   collection process    
Specify   the methods used to collect data from reports, including how many reviewers   collected data from each report, whether they worked independently, any   processes for obtaining or confirming data from study investigators, and if   applicable, details of automation tools used in the process.   
Data   items    
List   and define all outcomes for which data were sought. Specify whether all   results that were compatible with each outcome domain in each study were sought   (e.g. for all measures, time points, analyses), and if not, the methods used   to decide which results to collect.   
List   and define all other variables for which data were sought (e.g. participant   and intervention characteristics, funding sources). Describe any assumptions   made about any missing or unclear information.   
Study   risk of bias assessment   
Specify   the methods used to assess risk of bias in the included studies, including   details of the tool(s) used, how many reviewers assessed each study and   whether they worked independently, and if applicable, details of automation   tools used in the process.   
Effect   measures    
Specify   for each outcome the effect measure(s) (e.g. risk ratio, mean difference)   used in the synthesis or presentation of results.   
Synthesis   methods   
Describe   the processes used to decide which studies were eligible for each synthesis   (e.g. tabulating the study intervention characteristics and comparing against   the planned groups for each synthesis (item #5)).   
Describe   any methods required to prepare the data for presentation or synthesis, such   as handling of missing summary statistics, or data conversions.   
Describe   any methods used to tabulate or visually display results of individual   studies and syntheses.   
Describe   any methods used to synthesize results and provide a rationale for the   choice(s). If meta-analysis was performed, describe the model(s), method(s)   to identify the presence and extent of statistical heterogeneity, and   software package(s) used.   
Describe   any methods used to explore possible causes of heterogeneity among study   results (e.g. subgroup analysis, meta-regression).   
Describe   any sensitivity analyses conducted to assess robustness of the synthesized   results.   
Reporting   bias assessment   
Describe   any methods used to assess risk of bias due to missing results in a synthesis   (arising from reporting biases).   
21, 22,23   
Certainty   assessment   
Describe   any methods used to assess certainty (or confidence) in the body of evidence   for an outcome.   
Study   selection    
Describe   the results of the search and selection process, from the number of records identified   in the search to the number of studies included in the review, ideally using   a flow diagram.   
Fig 1   
Cite   studies that might appear to meet the inclusion criteria, but which were   excluded, and explain why they were excluded.   
Study   characteristics    
Cite   each included study and present its characteristics.   
Appendix A   
Risk   of bias in studies    
Present   assessments of risk of bias for each included study.   
Results   of individual studies    
For   all outcomes, present, for each study: (a) summary statistics for each group   (where appropriate) and (b) an effect estimates and its precision (e.g.   confidence/credible interval), ideally using structured tables or plots.   
Appendix A   
Results   of syntheses   
For   each synthesis, briefly summarise the characteristics and risk of bias among   contributing studies.   
Present   results of all statistical syntheses conducted. If meta-analysis was done,   present for each the summary estimate and its precision (e.g.   confidence/credible interval) and measures of statistical heterogeneity. If   comparing groups, describe the direction of the effect.   
Table 4   
Present   results of all investigations of possible causes of heterogeneity among study   results.   
Present   results of all sensitivity analyses conducted to assess the robustness of the   synthesized results.   
Reporting   biases   
Present   assessments of risk of bias due to missing results (arising from reporting   biases) for each synthesis assessed.   
Certainty   of evidence    
Present   assessments of certainty (or confidence) in the body of evidence for each   outcome assessed.   
Provide   a general interpretation of the results in the context of other evidence.   
Discuss   any limitations of the evidence included in the review.   
Discuss   any limitations of the review processes used.   
Discuss   implications of the results for practice, policy, and future research.   
Registration   and protocol   
Provide   registration information for the review, including register name and   registration number, or state that the review was not registered.   
Not registered   
Indicate   where the review protocol can be accessed, or state that a protocol was not   prepared.   
Not registered   
Describe   and explain any amendments to information provided at registration or in the   protocol.   
Describe   sources of financial or non-financial support for the review, and the role of   the funders or sponsors in the review.   
Competing   interests   
Declare   any competing interests of review authors.   
Availability   of data, code and other materials   
Report   which of the following are publicly available and where they can be found:   template data collection forms; data extracted from included studies; data   used for all analyses; analytic code; any other materials used in the review.   
Supplementary Material, Appendix A   
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Here is the codebase we developed for the snowballing search on Semantic Scholar.

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How to cite

F. Bolaños Burgos, A. Salatino, F. Osborne, and E. Motta. Artificial intelligence for systematic literature reviews: Opportunities and challenges. Submitted to Artificial Intelligence Review, 2024.


          title={Artificial Intelligence for Systematic Literature Reviews: Opportunities and Challenges},
          author={Bolaños Burgos, Francisco and Salatino, Angelo and Osborne, Francesco and Motta, Enrico},
          journal={Submitted to Artificial Intelligence Review},
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This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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